Monday 19 April 2010

Bicycles Vocabulary Crossword

While I was searching on the BBC website, I also saw this crossword on bicycles...

Bicycles & the Future

I was reading some articles about electric bicycles in China on the BBC and BangkokPost websites.

These bikes are a very good idea because they are environmentally-friendly. If many more people used these bikes instead of motorbikes or cars, the city centre would have much cleaner air and be less noisy. The bikes are energy-efficient, so less fossil fuels would be burnt and greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced.

However, I wonder how easy it would be to introduce them and make them popular in Bangkok. First of all, Bangkok is very hot and humid. Do people really want to cycle around getting sweaty? Also, the traffic in Bangkok is quite dangerous. Would it be safe to use them in the city centre? How much would it cost to have safe bicycle lanes on every street in Bangkok? Would people follow the rules and let only bicycles use them, or would the lanes be full of motorbikes and taxi drivers?

More Segways!

Can't believe it! When searching for Segways on Google, amazingly I saw this - check it out!


Segways look very strange. I did not know what a Segway was until I read about it in my reading class. I have never seen anybody use one. Then a few days ago, I saw a Segway being used in the movie, Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Here is a picture. I would like to try using one, but I think it would need some practice! I am not sure if they would ever be popular in Thailand because they need smooth, flat surfaces, and the pavements in Bangkok are full of holes and bumps. Perhaps they could be used in the big shopping malls like in the movie. But who knows? Maybe one day we will all be using them everywhere!